Viet Duc Hospital

Hanoi, Vietnam

Hospital Lead:
Dr. Nguyen Duc Chinh
Total Enrollment:
Viet Duc Hospital is the largest surgical center of Vietnam, situated at Trang Thi Street, Hanoi.

The Hospital was founded in 1904 as a part of Indochina Medical College by the French colonial governor Paul Doumer.

The well known Vietnamese surgeon Ton That Tung more than 40 years conducted his research and operations here.

At present, the Hospital has more than 500 beds for patients and 18 surgery rooms and able to perform over 800 open-heart operations annually. It has good cooperation in exchange and training programs with medical facilities in France, Germany, Australia and some other countries. In 1998, the Medicinal Laser Unit was established here to study and apply laser techniques in diagnosis and treatment of some diseases including cancer.

Dr. Nguyen Duc Chinh

Site Principal Investigator